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Me and my dad circa 1978 |
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Families are forever |
Now I totally appreciate these tender hearted women didn't want to offend anyone or make anyone feel bad. These women come from all over the world, and many from areas where and in-home father isn't the norm. I get that they didn't want the children to be sad, yet are we doing them a disservice by making believe that it doesn't matter? If you grew up without a father, I am sorry. I am sorry that Father's day may be hard for you, but Fathers DO MATTER! Can you still grow up to be an amazing person without a father? Of course you can! If your father is home yet isn't the greatest example of what a father can be, are we doing a service by ignoring what a father should be? I don't believe we are.
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All because two people fell in love! Crazy Mangum crew! |
I feel like we are perpetuating the cycle of absent fathers by minimizing their importance. This super woman mentality is making it so that men feel like they won't be missed, aren't needed in the family, and that everyone will be fine without them. Who wants to stick around a family that doesn't need them? The cold hard fact is that children do better with a father in the home. Fathers are pretty amazing and I am really lucky to have the best dad on the planet.
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My awesome parents with their awesome kids! |
When I was 14-years-old a young women's leader had allowed some of us to drive her car for about 10 feet in a straight line in a dirt area of a mobile home park. I thought it was pretty cool. I then asked my older brother if I could drive. He asked me if I had ever driven before. I wasn't really lying when I said yes, but he didn't ask about steering! My brother pulled over on the side of a dirt road, right before the road went into a wash. Folks, I had no natural knack for driving. I tried to pull back into the road and turned WAY too far, so I steered back WAY too far and drove up over the mountian of rocks to my right and up over the street sign that said, do no cross when flooded. I then of course over corrected back into the wash. In all about 50 feet, my brother finally managed to get his foot over to the brake pedal and stop the car. I had successfully ripped the gas tank. He left me with the car while he walked home to get my parents. My dad drove me home while my brother drove the car to the mechanic before all of the gas dripped out.
I remember sitting there next to my dad. He didn't really say much. He did say, in the calmest voice, "I am really glad that no one was hurt. Well I guess you and Rick will have to split the deductible. It will be $250 for each of you. And you will have to wait a little bit longer to get your drivers licence." I thought that was generous. That wasn't the last time I had to pay a deductible for one of his cars. It wasn't the first time he started out by saying "I'm glad no one was hurt." I NEVER would have learned how to drive if it hadn't have been for the patience of Job that my father possessed. I never would have learned how to do a lot of things if it wasn't for the patient unconditional love that my father possessed for me. My father typifies my Eternal Father.
Because my father was present, encouraging, wise, patient, fun loving, serving, and spiritual I have no problem seeing my Father in Heaven the same way. Thank you Dad! I love you!
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Dad of the year! Love his man and his adorable crew! |
My husband is also such an example of love. He had no idea what he was getting into when he married me. We agreed when we were getting serious that would would only want two to three kids. This patient man has welcomed each child into our family with a heart full of love. Josh is very involved in our children's lives. He never backs down from a parenting moment. This man has caught vomit in his hands, has rubbed leg aches, medicated fevers, done more laundry than he can even keep track of. He cooks meals, provides for the family, serves others, and loves us with his whole soul. I am so glad that my children get to have him for a father. You amaze me everyday Josh Thomson. Thank you!
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Josh hates camping, yet went on the fathers and sons because he loves his sons. |
There have been many great men in my life that have been a father of sorts to me. My Father-in-law is a great man and truly an example of love and tenderness. My grandfathers were amazing men and I miss them so much. I have been blessed by bishops, stake presidents, teachers, and neighbors. It is a never ending duty to be a dad. You are doing great!Father's, if we don't say it enough THANK YOU! You are vital to the survival of the family.
Turner drew this picture of his dad in primary today. |
Notice that my mind never once when to someone who is famous, a national leader, or great in the sight of the world. It is the work we do person to person that matters. Fathers you matter! Thank you!
So true. This year we accidentally celebrated the week before. And Rawl was so bummed and stupefied that there was no remembrance of Fathers whatsoever at church, so we talked about how important father's were. I was so glad that the role of fatherhood meant so much to him as a future father. Father's roles are so important and we as women who don't let them fully live their roles of family leadership by undermining them in some way, or demeaning them, or feeling we have to be the same as them in all ways, really do our children an injustice. Fathers are so important in every way. Like you say Tiff. I've been there, subtly undermining in the comments I'd say when I was frustrated, about their Dad, or about men. I repented of that. Its a very bad thing. We both need to build eachother up in all ways and never men or women bash. The two of us together are whole and complete and where each of us lacks just means we together are strong. Thanks for the tribute to fathers.