I wish I was blogging about our awesome trip to Montana. Yet, tonight I had to reply to a nasty "anonymous" letter sent to us. I process through writing.I am pretty sure I know who sent it. So should I actually print it off and take it to his house or just print it off and post it in our big 'ol pile of dirt? Or just take the guy cookies and kill him with kindness??
**Back story** So those who may not know, we are re-landscaping our front yard. We are including some amazing garden boxes my husband built. They are big (good to grow lots of veggies in) and they take up about a third of our front yard. We are debating whether or not to put a fence in front of it. (I want to, Josh doesn't.) Right now we have a bunch of big metal and wood garden boxes, a pile of dirt, a pile of manure, and a TON of mud. Not a pretty sight, but an OBVIOUS work in progress. It has been a work in progress for a month now--way longer than we anticipated. Yet, we are making slow but steady progress. Albeit, it doesn't look like progress yet!
So today we get a letter in the mail. It is addressed to my husband. It is written in shaky-elderly writing. It has our address as the return address. It was a little printed piece of paper that was cut out--about 4"x4" square. Centered at the top of the paper what the word: why. Then it proceeded with an unnumbered list of 12 why questions. Here is the list with my responses.
I can only assume by this letter that you are not the kind
of person to admit when you are wrong. Yet I hope that when we are done, you
will realize that you were too hasty in your judgments of what is going on. Please
be patient with this process. With four little ones, and my health problems,
and the copious amounts of rain we have been getting, it takes time.
Love and Laughter,
The Thomsons
**Self-esteem takes a big hit with this one today!!
**Back story** So those who may not know, we are re-landscaping our front yard. We are including some amazing garden boxes my husband built. They are big (good to grow lots of veggies in) and they take up about a third of our front yard. We are debating whether or not to put a fence in front of it. (I want to, Josh doesn't.) Right now we have a bunch of big metal and wood garden boxes, a pile of dirt, a pile of manure, and a TON of mud. Not a pretty sight, but an OBVIOUS work in progress. It has been a work in progress for a month now--way longer than we anticipated. Yet, we are making slow but steady progress. Albeit, it doesn't look like progress yet!
So today we get a letter in the mail. It is addressed to my husband. It is written in shaky-elderly writing. It has our address as the return address. It was a little printed piece of paper that was cut out--about 4"x4" square. Centered at the top of the paper what the word: why. Then it proceeded with an unnumbered list of 12 why questions. Here is the list with my responses.
Dear why,
I am pretty sure that your intent by your letter was not to
get answers. If you truly wanted answers you probably would have asked us these
questions in person or at least signed the letter and put your return address (instead
of ours.) We clearly received your intention of intimidation and harassment.
Yet we would like to take the opportunity to answer each question and ask some
of our own. Your intent to stay anonymous forces us to publicly reply (although
we are fairly certain as to who sent the letter.) We would have preferred to
have kept the matter just between us.
Why are you
destroying the beauty of our neighborhood?
We understand that beauty is in the eye of
the beholder. We probably have a very different view of what beauty is. Yet we
are in the middle of this project and are not even near completion. I would
hope that when we are done most people will see it as a thing of beauty. Not
everyone will as there are so many ugly bushes in this neighborhood that we
despise, yet they are not ours and not in our yard so we just don’t worry
ourselves about it.
Why are you
creating such an ugly sight?
Most construction sights are not pretty.
Progress takes work—and work isn’t pretty. Again we are not done with this
Why can’t you
have the boxes in back or at the side of your house?
The optimal sun is in the front yard. The correlating
landscape that will be going with our boxes will beautify our front yard (of
course –our opinion.)
Why take play
area away from your children?
Our children need healthy food more than
they need more play area. Our back yard is sufficient. We also go to parks.
Thank you for your concern in our children’s wellbeing.
Why are you
lowering the value of our houses?
Again, I ask for your patience. I don’t
expect everyone to have our same vision. I can tell by this letter that you are
really worried about what the end product is going to be. I assure you, we are
not done. Yet I don’t feel like we are lowering property values. The generation
that is buying houses are largely apart of the “grow gardens—not lawns”
Why aren’t you
thinking of what is good for the neighborhood?
We assure you that we had no idea that
people would be so upset by our intent to garden. It seemed pretty innocent to
us. We had no intentions of maliciously hurting anyone. Yet we also have to consider what is good for
our family. Having more organically grown fruit and vegetables is really
important to us. We don’t belong to a generation that can count on the food in
the grocery stores being the healthiest for us. With some of the health
concerns our family has, the cost of all organic fruits and vegetables is quite
Why didn’t you
move out in the farm area?
I don’t know if you have priced farms
lately—it is a rich man’s game now. We wish that we had the millions of dollars
to buy a nice piece of property with a house on it. But we don’t. We have our
little slice of suburbia and we have to make the most of that for now. If you
would like to purchase us a farm that my husband can still commute to his job,
we would be more than happy to accept the donation.
***Up to this point the questions weren't nice, but tolerable--this is where it gets personal!***
Why did you
gradually destroy the beauty of your place?
Again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
We actually are not fans of bushes. We have been gradually taking out bushes
since we bought the house. I can see, to someone whom loves bushes, that this
would appear that we were gradually destroying the beauty of our place. Different
generation—different tastes. Yet we have
had a vision of what it can be. We are doing it little by little as we can.
Why don’t you fix
the down spout?
We do know our down spout has had issues
since it blew off in the windstorm of 2011. Yet it has been fixed—or so we
thought before we got your letter. If we did not do this to your standard,
please feel free to teach us a better way to do this.
Why can’t you be
better neighbors?
This is actually the question that injured
me the most. I am not the best neighbor. I have severe anxiety, and am really
shy before I get to know someone. Yet I have made an effort to get to know my
neighbors despite the difficulty for me. I have tried to be kind, wave, and
offer a hello to all those that I meet. I have taken food to neighbors I don’t even
know when they have been ill. We roll our neighbor’s garbage cans in and
out weekly. If this is who I think it is, after the big wind storm we spent the next day cleaning up a huge tree that fell in YOUR yard. I had all four of my kids out in the December air. My twins strapped into strollers because they couldn't even walk. Yet I was out there, my boys were out there. We cleaned your yard up. No one came and helped us--no one. I can only assume that if you feel we have not been good neighbors,
it is because there has also been no effort on your part. Yet I am truly sorry
if we have done anything that was not neighborly. Please show us what a good
neighbor is.
Why have you not
tried to improve your place instead of letting it go to pot?
I realize that this statement is written by
someone who must not remember the amount of work it takes to raise a young
family. I can only assume that you never had 4 kids in 4 years—including a set
of twins. It is all I can do some days to get my kids dressed and fed. Our yard
is far from perfect. Our home is also. We are a work in progress (as well as
our yard) there has been a lot that we have learned as we have gone along. It
will never be perfect. We will never be perfect. I am so sorry that you have
taken it as a personal injury.
Why can’t you
make us happy and proud to have you in our neighborhood?
Well, one thing I have learned in my life,
thus far, is that no one can make you happy but yourself. I am sorry that you
are unhappy. I will not take credit for it though. If you are unhappy with us
and not proud of us, I would challenge you to get to know us. We are more than
our yard. We are good people, with good hearts.
So here are our questions:
Why couldn’t you come talk to us and find out
what we were doing? No, we didn’t take the time and expense to have an artist
do a rendering of what our landscaping is going to look like. If we could have,
you might even like what it is going to look like. Right now all you see is a
piece of the puzzle—and a small one at that.
Why is it that you felt you had to criticize and
demean us?
What were you hoping to accomplish with your
letter? Were you trying to create peace and harmony in the neighborhood? Were
you hoping convince us that we needed a landscape to match yours? Were you
lifting us up? Or did you just mean to hurt us and cause ill feelings in the
neighborhood? Are you trying to divide the neighborhood?
Love and Laughter,
The Thomsons
**Self-esteem takes a big hit with this one today!!
How stressful! I hope all can be reconciled soon. I hate that feeling when someone misjudges me for the worst.
ReplyDeleteOh Tiff, I'm so sorry. THAT was not a neighborly note. I can't even imagine ANY neighbors sending that. i don't see how they could have thought that would help anything. Keep your head up, I'm sure it will look great!
ReplyDeleteYou need to put a big sign in front of your yard that says "Before you complain about our mess, offer to HELP since we're doing the best we can by ourselves!" That seriously bothers me. We've been working on our front yard since last spring (we've been in the house since 2007 with no landscaping) but luckily we haven't had complaints. I have had something similar happen to me about something else though (I got reported on watching too many kids without a license which I didn't know the state could limit at the time, and it was by someone in my ward who reported me rather than coming and talking to me.) It made me so mad and if it wasn't for my testimony, I probably would have quit going to church knowing someone at church did that to me. Be strong. You are amazing and I am really excited to see your yard, especially since we're in the same process as you. Maybe if the people complaining are in your ward you should have someone ask during Priesthood opening exercises if anyone can come help since everyone is complaining it's not getting done fast enough. Maybe they'd figure out you're doing the best you can and even come help. Good luck and keep smiling! Everyone else in the world loves you even if your neighbors are whiners!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so disheartening. I'm so sorry! I'm not sure what happens to some people when they get old, but if I ever get that way I've told my kids to slap me!! We deal with similar things living in these condos. I'm sure your yard will be awesome, and people need to know that awesomeness takes time. Try not to let one mean person get you down!!