Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dusting off the old blog and "Dear Homeschooler"

It has been years since I have "blogged." I have been feeling a desire to return to it lately though. I have been fasting from Social Media lately, partly for lent, and partly for mental health reasons. During this time I haven't stopped longing to purge my thoughts into space, hoping that somehow, someway they will connect with a fellow traveler of this life. So today, during this crazy pandemic panic, I feel drawn to start blogging again.

As schools have shut down in my state, and all over the country, I have been getting a few people wanting to talk to me about what they can do to improve their short little journey into the world of homeschool. So I want to open up my blog and my email ( for any questions people have, and I will respond here, publicly. Kinda a throwback to old advice columns like Dear Abby, except I don't guarantee the same amount of wisdom.

So ask away friend! What is on your mind? We can keep it as anonymous as you would like!

A Homeschooler

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